“In January 2018, I underwent a preventative double mastectomy due to carrying the BRCA 1 gene mutation.
My family health history had breast and ovarian cancer spread throughout. Every women on my dads side had some form, it was terrifying.
When I found out that I carried the mutation, I didn't hesitate to find out what I could do. Making this choice was the easiest, hardest decision I ever made.
Having the BRCA 1 mutation and choosing to take preventative measures can be lonely and terrifying. When I started to share my journey and help raise awareness of our options, I wanted to show women that they aren't alone, there are so many of us here, that this doesn't have to be ugly, it can be beautiful, and that it is scary, but when it's all over you are a warrior.
Wearing my AWARE necklace reminds me of my journey and all that I have done and continue to do, to help not only myself but the women after me.” @brcamama