“Hi! My name is Victoria. I wear white to support those living with mental illnesses. I've been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks since I was a kid. I was bullied a lot in high school and really self conscious about myself. It took me a while to ask for help but it was the best thing that I did. I know how scary asking for help is and sadly a lot of people don't. It took me a while to be able to talk about it publicly and now I share my journey with strangers because I know how helpful it is to read other people stories. It give us hope. My anxiety was tested a lot more the last two years with the diagnostic of ulcerative colitis. That's also why I wear purple. I created an Instagram page only to talk about my experience and how It lead to a big surgery. For two years I was living in my bathroom. Loosing a lot of blood and being in a lot of pain. Couldn't go out or work anymore. I really didn't think I would make it through. Finally two years later after being hospitalized for I while they told me it was time for surgery. I was scared of getting an ostomy bag but It gave me my life bag. I created my Instagram account to help people who are scared to go through this surgery or if they have questions. I really hope I can help people because I wish I had someone to guide and help me while I was going through this.
I live with two big invisible illnesses and my new mission in life is to spread awareness about those.
Aware helps to get our stories out there.” @mystomadiarie_ibd