Cerebral Palsy Stories

Cerebral Palsy - @magic_morganalex

Cerebral Palsy - @magic_morganalex

“Hi I'm I'm Morgan. I'm from Oklahoma. I'm a student, best friend  professional cellphone carrier and goofball. I also have Cerebral Palsy. I was born about 3 months premature causing...

Cerebral Palsy - @magic_morganalex

“Hi I'm I'm Morgan. I'm from Oklahoma. I'm a student, best friend  professional cellphone carrier and goofball. I also have Cerebral Palsy. I was born about 3 months premature causing...

Cerebral Palsy - @cpwarrior_cpmom

Cerebral Palsy - @cpwarrior_cpmom

Naimah was diagnosed with Ridgid, spastic quad Cerebral Palsy at the age of 3, she has been in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and ,speech therapy since she was 3 months...

Cerebral Palsy - @cpwarrior_cpmom

Naimah was diagnosed with Ridgid, spastic quad Cerebral Palsy at the age of 3, she has been in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and ,speech therapy since she was 3 months...