“I'm Olivia and I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at 9 weeks of age. I was told I would be lucky to see my thirteenth birthday, but here I am today 26 and thriving! Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic, progressive, terminal disease that affects my lungs and digestive system mostly. CF can be tricky because it affects each patient differently so each story looks different. I have always made the choice to not let CF define me. It is a part of my story, but it does not dictate how I live my life. I have only been in the hospital twice in my whole life which is HUGE for a CF patient. I started running at the age of 18 and have completed 5 half marathons since then. Cystic Fibrosis awareness is important to me because I want to let other CF patients know that CF does not define them. I want to share my story in hopes to inspire not only CF patients, but anyone struggling with a life threatening illness.The AWARE necklace is a great conversation starter to bring even more awareness to CF. I recently launched my own blog on how I fearlessly live life despite CF and I'd love for YOU to follow along.” @livalittletoday