IBD (Crohns and Colitis) - @davlyn19

“I have Crohns Disease, which is an Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD). I was diagnosed in January 2018, however looking back, it is obvious that I had it all my life, just not to the extent for a proper diagnosis. When first diagnosed I had mixed feelings. 1) Yeah! They know what it is! 2) I was not crazy to feel ill all those years! 3) Em...What is Crohn's exactly?! So the journey started. About 13 trips to the A&E, 4 hospitalizations, and numerous tries in finding the right cocktail of meds later, I am at a stage where I now can function on a daily basis and symptoms are more controlled - never non-existant. I know more about this disease through research I've made and to talking to other patients and well, living with the disease and discovering new things along the way.  However, for a disease that has hit over 30 million world wide, there is still a long way to go! I have decided to do my part and have recently joined the Malta Association of Crohns and Colitis committee (MACC) to hopefully help create a platform of more awareness and support for IBD patients in Malta. Complaining gives one something to do, however it does not solve anything. I don't think of me as 'Poor Thing'. Playing the victim of the hand life dealt me is not my style. I wear this AWARE necklace to help generate awareness about IBD as not all disabilities are visible!” @davlyn19

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