“Hi! I’m Erin! I’m from encinitas CA, and I’m a warrior. You see this is what we term our tribe, infertility warriors. My husband and I wanted to have kids and we were told we would have to use fertility treatments. I was 27, I was so ashamed of this so I kept it quiet. Treatments worked and we had twin girls June 2011. I never spoke about how or why, I was too worried of judgement. Fast forward to 2017, my twins were 6 and I really wanted to have a third. Again we had to start treatments. This time it’s been so much harder. We’ve done 5 transfers, one resulted in a miscarriage and the others failed. I’ve endured so much loss just in these past two years alone that some days I feel like I can’t get up. The financial stress, the guilt of taking time from my girls and the way infertility strips you of your true self is unexplainable. But here I am. Still fighting. So this is my story and I am so proud to wear this necklace now because I no longer hide from this and instead chose to share and spread awareness. Which is exactly what A.W.A.R.E. means to me. I am an infertility warrior, I am 1 in 8 and I am strong.” @mybeautifulblunder