“At 36 years old, cancer is the last thing on most of our minds. I wear this necklace to help bring awareness to lung cancer. To remind us all that we are not invincible and that prevention/ early detection is so important! 2018 was a bitter sweet year. August 29, 2018 was the best day of my life when my daughter Charlotte Adriana was born. She is truly a gift from God and our little/BIG miracle. October 5, 2018 was the worst day of my life when, after 5 excruciating days hospitalized away from my baby girl , I was told "you have stage 4 lung cancer". The highest high and the lowest low. Ok. I will fight then, and I will win. Trust me, its been a battle. Even as I sit here and type I feel overwhelmed and frustrated by my brain, it’s slower than I'm used to and my thoughts are harder to express, thanks to the chemotherapy. BUT I know it will get better AND I know it’s all worth it to be here in the long run....AND I WILL BE, I am not leaving my baby girl! I have one more round of chemo left, the last scan showed everything was GONE except one tiny spot on my lung. Prayer, my family, my beautiful daughter, my husband, nutrition, and my amazing oncologist, has gotten me through this tough time. I know full remission is right around the corner! I am excited to share my testimony of healing to encourage and support others going through similar situations.” @cancer_confessions