"Hey everyone, I'm Kate. I've had headaches and health issues most of my life. The migraine became intractable in January of 2016, meaning I have not had a break since. Besides that, I have depression, a pituitary tumor which comes with hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, and infertility. I also have scoliosis with a spinal fusion and mild gastroparesis. I was working as a NICU (neonatal intensive care) and pediatric RN for 14yrs, most of those 12hr night shifts. I miss nursing, but my body is way too tired for it anymore. I also moved in with my parents in IL about 2.5y ago, and I cannot wait to be independent! I started writing my blog after posting a couple of my stories on Facebook, and friends suggested that I write more and start a blog. While it's slow going for me, I feel pretty proud of it. I'd love for you all to take a few minutes to look/read it and let me know what you think. The link is below. I am also starting up an online business that helps people with chronic illness. I cannot wait to share.it with y'all! My future plan is get my online business up and running and to become a certified aromatherapist. Currently I have a side business called Kate's Potions and Tonics were I share some of my essential oils creations. While I don't like having chronic illness, I do appreciate the creative path it put me on!" @awarecauses My blog link: https://katekirchner.wixsite.com/wellnesswithkate-1/home/categories/wellness” @chronically.kate.rn